Five ways to maximize your internship experience

By James Powell

The internship season infuses an organization with energy and enthusiasm — new faces, fresh ideas, and different perspectives. Interns can make long-lasting contributions to their organizations while also acquiring valuable skills in a short period of time.  Below are five tips for a successful internship experience.

If you don’t know, ask. An internship can be a valuable learning experience if you take advantage of the opportunities. Your leadership and the teams you are a part of are very willing to help you learn. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask!

Every task is important and fits into the final product. Work with your team to understand how your projects help accomplish the ultimate goal. What may seem like a small part of the process does have an impact on the end result. Learn how your contributions fit into the big picture.

Help shape the future of your company. Innovation is core to the success of businesses.  Continue to demonstrate your out-of-the-box thinking and passion for bringing new ideas to life.

Being a professional means not only having the knowledge, but also acting the part. All of your actions impact your personal brand. Remember the importance of soft skills, such as communication, working with others, integrity, and attitude. Companies are looking for their future team members.

Take advantage of networking opportunities. Whether it is in the office, at a client site or after work, look to build relationships that are valuable to your career. Also, remember to continue networking long after you have completed your internship.

At KPMG our internships are designed to provide opportunities to learn business skills, find mentors, build networks and get real-world (even global) experience before graduation.  KPMG is the only firm of the Big Four to bring all audit, tax and advisory interns together for a comprehensive national training experience.  KPMG pairs its interns with mentors who can guide their internships and careers while providing opportunities to interact with clients, leaders and employees worldwide.  

About Author

James Powell is National Partner in Charge – Campus Recruiting and University Relations for KPMG in the U.S. To arrange an interview, please contact Rose Mariniello.


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