How Hispanic Millennials Are Consuming TV Content [INSIGHT]

Hispanic young adults are known for being early adopters of digital technology. In the past, Hispanic families have been more likely to have one TV set in the household that they sat down to watch together. With content now available on computers, tablets, and smartphones offers more options, how have their viewing habits changed?

Tr3s talked to Latino young adults about what devices they prefer for watching TV content as part of its recently-released its 2014 study, “Hispanic Adult Millennials at Work and Play.” This project included quantitative and qualitative explorations of nearly 1,000 Hispanics and non-Hispanics ages 19 to 34, as well as information from Simmons, Pew Hispanic Center, Nielsen, and numerous Viacom studies.

Here are key insights from that study on the changing viewing habits of Hispanic young adults:

The “common area” TV set still dominates. Virtually all Hispanic and non-Hispanic Millennials said they watch content on a traditional TV set-and 9 out of 10 say that it offers the best experience. Among both groups, 7 out of 10 say their most of their “common area” TV set viewing happens with other people.

Tablets in the “common area” allow a social viewing experience with more choices. With tablets, it’s possible to watch whatever you want while still being in the presence of others. Among Millennials, 61% of Hispanics and 65% of non-Hispanics view content on their tablets while someone else watches a regular TV set in the same room.

Bedrooms are for “me time” viewing. Half of Hispanic and non-Hispanic Millennials watch TV content in their bedrooms, and 7 out of 10 watch alone. Many use computers and tablets here for entertainment content. (48% of Hispanics and 42% of non-Hispanics use computers for watching entertainment, 44% of Hispanics and 32% of non-Hispanics use tablets.) Tablets are highly personal devices that are less likely to be shared. 7 out of 10 Hispanic tablet users say they like to “cuddle up” with them in bed.

Smartphones are for watching content on the go, as well as for privacy. Nearly half (48%) of Hispanic Millennials watch TV on their smartphones to kill time while they’re out and about. They engage in smartphone viewing at a much lower rate than non-Hispanics (71%), likely because Hispanics tend to go out with others more than alone. Privacy is also a big draw for Hispanic and non-Hispanic young people–half of both groups view on their smartphones to watch what they want, when they want.

Source: Tr3s Hispanic Adult Millennial Study (2014)


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