Discovered: Why Radio is not being Embraced by National Advertisers. [INSIGHT & PERSPECTIVE]

By Eric Rhoades / Publisher of Radio Ink

For decades, the RAB and others have preached that selling is about being customer-centric. We’ve all heard it, we’ve all been trained to interview clients about their needs, and there is not one broadcaster on earth who does not know this to be true. So why is radio not getting its fair share of ad dollars nationwide? I’ve discovered what is probably the major reason.

A Dream Team

“What if,” I thought, “I could put together a dream team of advertisers, and ask them why radio is not getting more ad dollars?” After all, we in radio think we have a strong story. We think we have decent relationships with listeners. We think we can move product. Unlike other legacy media, it appears radio has not lost its audience. I wondered what we could learn if we somehow got the most important advertisers in the world together in a room, just to talk about radio.

When I raised the idea, I was told, “It will never happen. Why would those people bother to take the time to help radio by answering our questions?”
“But what if I could pull it off?” I asked. “Everyone one in the industry would be there to listen. This could be the most powerful focus group in the history of radio. Every group head would be in the front row, not only to show their support, but to hear what these advertisers are saying.”
I like a challenge, so I decided to do it.

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