Don’t Mess With Texas or Creative Civilization- An Aguilar Agency.

Creative Civilization – An Aguilar Agency has joined forces with Tuerff-Davis EnviroMedia, Inc. of Austin, Texas to develop all future advertising messages for the Don’t Mess With Texas, statewide litter prevention campaign.

In addition, Creative Civilization will immediately begin work with EnviroMedia on three other key accounts including the Texas Department of Health Anti-Tobacco campaign, Capital Metro and Insure-A-Kid advertising outreach programs. Creative Civilization will provide full service marketing methods targeting Hispanics in Texas, which represent one-third of the state’s population.

Creative Civilization president/CEO Adolfo Aguilar said, “We are proud to have been selected by EnviroMedia from their extensive search to identify the resource that best fits the needs of clients such as Don’t Mess With Texas and the Texas Department of Health Anti-Tobacco campaign”.

Kevin Tuerff, principal of EnviroMedia said, “Creative Civilization greatly enhances our contribution and value to our clients. We are particularly impressed with their ability to understand marketing complexities and their responsiveness with big, successful ideas,” Tuerff added.

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