Latinos in Sports: Powerhouse Fans [REPORT]
Sports organizations are constantly searching for innovative ways to expand their fanbases and stay ahead of the competition. The answer may lie in the rapidly growing and passionate Latino sports fan demographic.
2024 Hispanic Content Report – Available for download for FREE
HispanicAd offers its annual report on key Content, Data & Social usage strategies, along with the importance of using Data strategies to engage the US Hispanic Consumer.
Best Practices for Producing Culturally Competent Prebunking Messages for U.S. Latinos [REPORTS]
To understand how prebunking can be best harnessed for Latino communities in the U.S., the Digital Democracy Institute of the Americas (DDIA) conducted the first-of-its kind randomized controlled trial (RCT) with U.S. Latino communities.
Audience Attention Dilemma (Official) [INSIGHTS] & [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Audience Attention Dilemma is an infographic by Joshua Lowcock. The infographic was created to demonstrate that audiences and attention do not automatically equal an advertising opportunity. It attempts to explains the nuances of the decision-making process for marketers when deciding where to invest ad dollars in the digital advertising landscape.
Global video game revenue to reach $257 billion by 2028, outpacing combined revenues of other media types
Global revenue from video games is expected to climb by 6% annually to reach $257 billion by 2028, stealing revenue share from other media types, according to new research by Bain & Company. The global video game market reached $196 billion in 2023, generating more revenue than streaming and box-office sales combined.
2024 Hispanic Content Report – Available for download for FREE
HispanicAd offers its annual report on key Content, Data & Social usage strategies, along with the importance of using Data strategies to engage the US Hispanic Consumer.
Diverse-Owned Data Delivers Programmatic Media Buying Results
Despite recent challenges to DE&I progress, the demand for inclusivity in digital media remains strong. Advertisers are waking up to the growing influence of underrepresented and marginalized groups and are looking to allocate portions of their digital media budgets to diverse-owned media platforms to better engage these groups. This approach has several benefits, like giving minority-owned businesses a seat at the table and ensuring that media dollars contribute to more equitable representation in advertising.
Gen Z’s Demand for Authenticity: Exclusive Data for Hispanic Heritage Month Features [REPORT] & [INFOGRAPHIC]
PACO Collective recently conducted an in-depth study titled "The Equity Tastemakers: Gen Z and the Future of Inclusive Marketing". This research delves into the nuanced perspectives of Gen Z across North America and Latin America, offering fresh insights into how brands can authentically connect with this pivotal generation.
2024 Hispanic Market Overview Report- DOWNLOAD for FREE
HispanicAd in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2024 Hispanic Market Overview – titled “Authentic - Keeping it Real” To download click on image or CLICK HERE
25TH EDITION OF HMC HISPANIC MARKET GUIDE: A comprehensive Playbook to help Marketers STOP Latino Coating & Reach Hispanic Market with Authenticity [DOWNLOAD GUIDE For Free]
On the heels of launching its #STOPLATINOCOATING campaign, the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC) has released its highly anticipated 2024 Hispanic Market Guide as a roadmap to help marketers effectively and authentically connect with U.S. Latinos, currently positioned as the fifth largest global economy. This year marks the 25th edition of the market guide, which has served as a valuable resource for the industry and a vehicle for helping brands tap into the Hispanic opportunity.
2024 Hispanic TV Programming Report – DOWNLOAD for FREE
HispanicAd in association with Adam R Jacobson are proud to announce the availability of the 2024 Hispanic TV Programming Report for our readers. Enjoy
Changes to Population Distribution and Commuting Patterns Blur the Line Between Rural and Urban
For decades, American families have been moving farther away from city centers in search of lifestyle changes, more space and other amenities. Suburbs have increasingly become employment centers, enabling workers to move farther out, even into rural areas, and still have a reasonable commute.
Why Many Parents and Teens Think It’s Harder Being a Teen Today
There are big debates about how teenagers are faring these days. And technology’s impact is often at the center of these conversations.
Women’s Equality Day: Celebrating Progress, Acknowledging Challenges, and Pushing Forward
Women’s Equality Day is upon us this week, a time to reflect on the progress made toward gender equality while also acknowledging the work that still needs to be done. Women’s Equality Day, celebrated on August 26, was first proclaimed by Congress in 1971, it was introduced by Representative of New York Bella Abzug, to commemorate the 1920 adoption of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote in the United States.
U.S. Latina GDP Report Finds Latinas Contribute $1.3 Trillion in GDP [REPORT]
New data from leading researchers indicates that female Hispanics in the U.S. have contributed $1.3 trillion in 2021 to the gross domestic product (GDP), representing over 50% growth in a decade. The U.S. Latina GDP Report, funded by Bank of America, is first of its kind research on the significant and rapidly growing economic contribution of the nation's Hispanic female population.
What the data says about immigrants in the U.S. [US Hispanic Markets HOTBED for 2022 immigrantion]
In 2022, more than 29 million immigrants – 63% of the nation’s foreign-born population – lived in just 20 major metropolitan areas. The largest populations were in the New York, Los Angeles and Miami metro areas. Most of the nation’s unauthorized immigrant population (60%) lived in these metro areas as well.
South American Immigrants in the United States
South American immigration to the United States has been on the rise, growing three times as fast as overall U.S. immigration from 2000 to 2022, although the nearly 4 million South Americans comprised just 9 percent of all 46.2 million U.S.-based immigrants as of 2022. South Americans first began immigrating to the United States during the Cold War era, when countries such as Argentina, Chile, and Colombia experienced political upheaval, armed conflict, and economic instability. Since then, immigration from the region has continued to be driven by a mix of political, social, and economic crises, exemplified by a massive exodus of Venezuelans since conditions in their country began deteriorating in 2015.
The Re-Birth of the Spanish Dominant Hispanic Consumer in The US
Interesting title, since we are being challenges every year by sources that state that the Spanish Dominant Hispanic Consumer is not growing, and that mainstream and digital media are imposing attrition to our US Hispanic Spanish Dominant media that serve the US Hispanic Consumer. I have yet to hear our media companies, our ad agencies and other sources bringing forth the notion of what has happened in the last four years to the growth of the US Hispanic Market due to recent immigration patterns. In 2010 there were 50.2 Million Hispanic in the US. In on decade, the 2020 Census detailed the that US Hispanic population grew by 11.9 Million or + 24%. In just four years since the 2020 Census, the possibility that the US Hispanic Consumer base grew by 10-12 Million is in the realm of possibility or by a 19%, due to recent immigrant growth. I am not here to discuss the political issue surrounding the influx of immigrants into the US, but I am here to highlight:
- Our Hispanic Consumer base could have a growth of +15-20 Million in 4 years and projected out to average growth over 10 years in the 2030 Census could reach +30% or 80-85 Million US Hispanic Consumers. That’s clout.
- Close to 100% of the US Hispanic Consumer Base growth is Spanish Dominant Hispanics in the last 4 years.
- Hispanic TV, Radio and other media are going to enjoy a real bonanza of new viewers, listeners and readers
- With this growth, the hierarchy of US Hispanic Market and their relationship to mainstream markets will be impacted dramatically, since a good portions of this new immigrant consumers group is congregating in the largest US Hispanic Markets in the US.
- The Hispanic composition of our top markets will grow. LA, NY, Miami, Chicago, Dallas, etc have become much larger and important markets, due to US Hispanic Consumers.
- The Hispanic composition of markets besides the Top 5 will grow and change not only the US Hispanic Market ranking but re-organize mainstream markets into a new ranking order.
- The US Hispanic Market is leading the growth opportunity in the US.
The 2024 LDC Comprehensive Handbook on U.S. Latinos offersInsights into the Vital Role of Latinos in the United States
The Latino Donor Collaborative (LDC) proudly announces the release of the 2024 LDC Comprehensive Handbook on U.S. Latinos, a comprehensive report that brings together the latest information from various LDC reports and other reputable sources to showcase the profound impact that Latinos have on the economy, society, and culture of the United States. As the nation’s largest minority group, comprising nearly 20% of the population, Latinos are at the forefront of driving economic growth, workforce participation, entrepreneurship, and political engagement.