Third Reality: Crafting a 21st Century Latino Agenda.

Ernesto Nieto, founder and president of the National Hispanic Institute recently published the second edition of his book entitled, Third Reality:Crafting a 21st Century Latino Agenda. In the book, Nieto takes issue with current ideas regarding the training of future Latino leaders as being outdated and no longer relevant in a modern day economy. Instead he outlines a concept he calls community equity building as being more relevant to a 21st century world. But he also cautions that the most difficult challenge for current Latino leaders will be to let go of old school concepts to incorporate more modern approaches. As president of the National Hispanic Institute, Nieto’s book is being used as the main curriculum to train youth who attend NHI sponsored leadership programs throughout the nation. More recently, Nieto lectured on his book at St. Edwards University in Austin. He was also interviewed by World News Tonight and the Christian Science Monitor regarding his views on Hispanic contributions to Texas history.

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