Women Only 56% Of Savings Account Holders.

According to “Women and Banking”, the third report in the joint venture series Women and Finance from MarketResearch.com and Simmons Market Research Bureau, 72% of U.S. adult women have checking accounts, compared with the 56% who have savings accounts. The number of female savings account holders falls behind checking account holders dramatically.

In the report women rank trustworthiness as the most important aspect of making a financial decision, and also position banks as the financial service most worthy of trust, yet women have demonstrated a pronounced disinterest in banking services.

“Even though women continue to become increasingly powerful as consumers and investors, a huge gender gap still exists within the financial services industry” states Meg Hargreaves, Vice President of Research and Publishing, at MarketResearch.com. “With only 56% of women holding savings accounts, there is enormous opportunity for the banking services industry to tap into the female market sector.”

“Women and Banking” analyzes women as bank customers across the board, covering checking accounts, interest bearing checking accounts, savings accounts, saving certificates (CDs), and additional services. The report finds that women aren’t as active as men in the financial services sector, yet predicts that women will control 60% of the wealth in the United States by the year 2010.

“Now is the time for the financial services industry to take notice, and turn their attentions to the female market sector,” states Evan Goldfarb, Executive Vice President Marketing and Sales for Simmons Market Research Bureau. “Generation X and Generation Y women represent new breeds of consumers, careerists, and investors. Capturing their loyalty early means creating a lifelong consumer.”

For more information at http://www.marketresearch.com.

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