Simmons Announces Behaviorgraphics: the ‘Next Generation of Demographics’.

Simmons Market Research Bureau introduced Simmons Behaviorgraphics proprietary data integration technique that links data from the Simmons National Consumer Study with Nielsen Media Research’s National People Meter database using segments based on similarity of viewing behaviors in the two databases. Simmons Behaviorgraphics enables users to analyze and rank Nielsen Media Research viewing data based on demographic categories formed from Simmons’ 460+ demographic, psychographic, and lifestyle categories, and over 7,000 brands. Behaviorgraphics is being made available to Nielsen Media Research and Simmons subscribers through Nielsen Media Research’s NPOWERTM software system and other data analysis software.

“Simmons is focused on delivering research products that add measurable value to our clients’ bottom line”, said Simmons President Chris Wilson, “and our increased relationship with Nielsen and development of Behaviorgraphics underscores this value. Simmons Behaviorgraphics provide valuable insights beyond basic demographics. Broadcasters can use BehaviorgraphicsTM to determine the attitudes and lifestyles of their most important current and potential audience segments, while finding new sales stories at the advertiser and brand level. Behaviorgraphics makes it easy for agencies to value television programs based on truest driver of advertising ROI: behavior. Behaviorgraphics bridges the gap between planning and buying, and represents a exciting new way to identify programs that efficiently and effectively deliver great value to the advertiser. In the past, the industry had to use one service to understand or demonstrate quality and another to demonstrate size. Behaviorgraphics blends the two, using Nielsen as the transactional currency and Simmons as the consumer currency.”

“Nielsen Media Research is pleased to offer clients this opportunity for added value through NPOWER,” said Roy Worman, Vice President and Product Line Manager. “With the increased complexity of the media industry, the demand for greater detail and flexibility has never been stronger. NPOWER has the ability to adapt and expand to meet those needs, enabling our clients to better understand viewing behavior.”

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