¡ Oye Raul – GUASIMARA !
August 17, 2011
Raul, today I almost fell out of my chair laughing at how ridiculous and idiotic we have become regarding our business titles.
Yes, I repeated ridiculous and idiotic!
Just read your press release promoting the fact that your radio stations were ranked #1 and #3 across the country. Congratulations, but this is not what made me laugh.
It was the title of one of your top sales and management executives that read “Vice President, General Manager, of Miami Radio Stations and Forensic Operations Manager for SBS radio division”.
What kind of concoction is this add-on to a title?
This is insulting to those of us who are or where broadcasters or involved in broadcasting.
The definition for forensic: The use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law.
Since when has a broadcaster that is supposed to create programming and sell advertising to increase valuation entered the business of “Crime Scene Investigation”. It sounds like you have problems in the company and need a person to continually analyze and investigate potential crimes within the company. The police call this discipline ‘Internal Affairs’.
Is this true?
This add-on to a title of a general manager with management and sales responsibilities ONLY is ridiculous and idiotic, and is laughable amongst the people that get the business card or read the press release.
If this is the responsibility of the manager, I would not put in on a card or press release when selling or promoting the growth and position of your radio stations.
It does not help promote our industry or your discipline. It is one of our Industry’s laughable moments.
It is the notion many of us came away with when reading the press release and not the rankings of your radio stations.
What does Wall Street think of this title?
Worry more about delivering your sales goals than having a title like this would be my suggestion.
¡Oye Raul – GUASIMARA!
Gene Bryan
Ex-Spanish Broadcasting Systems (SBS) Alumni and Co-Team Creator of the Mega brand at SBS.