Hispanic Millennials: Active on Social Media, Open to Sharing about Favorite Brands. [INSIGHT]
May 27, 2012
By Insight Tr3s
If your brand is looking to connect with young consumers, social media is the platform for engagement. According to Simmons, Hispanic Millennials are a ripe target, with nearly 3 out of 4 Hispanics 18 to 29 actively using social media. Nearly a third of adult Hispanic Millennial social media users check in very frequently — at least three times a day- and close to half check in at least once a day. These users are also savvy shoppers who enjoy sharing their experiences and engaging their ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ as well. In other words, young Latinos are a potentially rich source of brand advocates for marketers.
What are some defining demographic characteristics of Hispanics 18 to 29 who use social media? First, they skew young – 60% are 18 to 24 and 40% are 25 to 29. They are more likely to have been born in the U.S. — 62% are U.S.-born, compared with 57% of Latinos in that age group overall. They are also more educated, with 49% having attended or graduated college, compared with 43% of total Hispanics 18 to 29.
Adult Hispanic Millennials who use social media actively participate and share about their lives, as well as about products and brands. Nearly 40% say they often post or comment on social sharing sites. About a quarter say that social sharing sites are a way to tell people about companies and products they like. One-in-five post ratings or reviews for other consumers to read. They also carry what they learn and experience online into their lives offline — nearly 40% say they talk about things they see on social sharing sites in face-to-face conversations.
Hispanics 18 to 29 who use social media appreciate social media’s influence on their shopping decisions. Over 30% follow their favorite brands on social networking websites. Close to 30% pay attention to ratings and reviews posted online by other consumers. Nearly one-in-five say they are more likely to purchase products that they see used or recommended by friends on social networking sites.
Compared with total Hispanics 18 to 29, Hispanic social media users in this age group are more likely to shop online – and to do a lot of research before making purchases. 46% of those using social media are shopping more on the internet than before (vs. 39% of total Hispanics 18 to 29). 64% of social media users say the internet has changed the way they get information about products and services, compared with 54% of Hispanics 18 to 29 overall. 58% like to get as much information as possible about an electronic item before buying it, compared with 52% of total Hispanics 18 to 29.
Adult Hispanic Millennials who use social media are also more likely to enjoy helping others with their knowledge and experiences. 60% like to share their knowledge, compared with 56% of total Hispanics 18 to 29. 62% say they are willing to help others even if there is no direct benefit to themselves, vs. 57% of total Hispanics 18 to 29. 56% say that they provide people with the facts and let them make their own decisions – compared with 50% of total Hispanics 18 to 29.
There are a couple of key differences in social media and word-of-mouth habits between Hispanic Millennials and Hispanics in their thirties. Thirty-something Hispanics are less likely to use social media (56%), and those who do participate are less frequent users (34% check in at least once a day). They are also far less likely to follow their favorite brands on social media (19%). But compared with Hispanic Millennials, Hispanics in their thirties are ahead in a couple of areas: they are more likely to make purchases online and research them heavily, as well as more likely to enjoy sharing information with others to help them make better decisions.
Of course, many Hispanic Millennials already are brand advocates for products and services they care about. But there is opportunity to expand the pool of young Latinos who are invested in your brand. With such a large proportion of active social media participants, combined with their qualities of being informed shoppers who are generous with their knowledge, there can be huge upside for companies that create smart strategies to develop brand advocacy among Hispanic Millennials.
Courtesy of Tr3s Insights at
Source: Experian Simmons, Winter 2011 NHCS Adult Survey 12-month