Rethinking the Health Landscape
February 26, 2012
By: Eric Talbot, VP Brand Solutions at Univision Communications Inc.
Last week, we partnered with Edelman Public Relations to host “Rethinking the Health Landscape: How Hispanic Engagement will Drive Growth.” This full-day event brought together more than 80 healthcare marketers and agencies, community influencers and organizations to discuss how Hispanic patients are impacting the industry.
It was also an opportunity for us to take a deeper dive into Univision’s Hispanic Patient Journey, a research study that reveals the cultural nuances that influence Hispanic patients from awareness and information seeking, to diagnosis and adherence. Understanding this is crucial to affecting positive health outcomes for the underserved Hispanic community.
If you weren’t able to join us, I wanted to highlight key takeaways from each of the event’s sessions. Our esteemed panel shared that:
– The market for healthcare has shifted significantly, pharmaceutical marketers need to build on cultural competence across the healthcare provider system (presented by Stephen Palacios, Executive Director, Cheskin Added Value)
– Hispanic consumers are looking for true partners in their family’s health (Adolph Falcon, Senior Vice President, National Alliance for Hispanic Health)
– Given the value of meals in Hispanic culture, this community is in the perfect position to take advantage of getting healthier through food (presented by Chef Lourdes Castro, Professor and Nutritionist, New York University)
– Leverage strategies that engage the Latino community’s strong social connections and inspire real action (Cuyler Mayer, Vice President, Edelman Health)
– The difference in health behavior between Hispanics and non-Hispanic patients is a result of disparate levels of communication which can be overcome by providing targeted health content (presented by myself and my colleague, Sonya Suarez-Hammond, Senior Director, Healthcare, Univision)