Puerto Rico Coffee Expo celebrates 275 years of the Puerto Rican coffee

Celebrating the Puerto Rican coffee industry’s 275 years old mark, the second edition of the Puerto Rico Coffee Expo will take place on October 8-9, 2011, at the Puerto Rico Convention Center, Pedro Fernández Jerez, producer and partner of CUBE Group, Inc., announced.

The Puerto Rico Coffee Expo will gather once again dozens of local brands of this precious grain, as well as representatives and suppliers of this important and emerging local industry.

“We had an extraordinary success last year. Over 20,000 people attended the event, more than 40 coffee brands displayed their products, over 30,000 coffee cups were served, 20 new baristas were certified and over $100,000 in direct sales were achieved; this year, the event’s main objective will be to stimulate and strengthen the Puerto Rican coffee industry locally and internationally. The celebration of th e 275 years of the Puerto Rican coffee is the perfect occasion to continue emphasizing the importance this industry has to our island, from both economic and cultural points of view. For that reason, this year we prepared an event with a worldwide reach that will set a milestone in the history of our coffee industry. We will be communicating all details very soon”, Fernández Jerez said.

Puerto Rico Coffee Expo will also include the participation of other products that usually complement a cup of coffee. “We would like to see this event as a big breakfast, where coffee has the leading role in every morning’s meal combined with other products such as oats, bread, juices, cookies, cheese, sweeteners, among others”, Fernández Jerez added.

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