Puerto Rican teacher to inspire next generation explorers with NASA.

Julio De Jesus, Puerto Rico Baseball Academy & High School teacher in Gurabo, P.R., has been awarded a fellowship with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Endeavor Science Teaching Certificate Project was created to allow teachers an opportunity to carry back to the classroom a greater understanding of NASA discoveries to inspire a next generation of explorers, scientists, engineers and astronauts.

“Through the program, educators learn how to deliver cutting-edge science into the classroom, promoting science, technology, engineering and mathematics education,” said Joyce Winterton, assistant administrator for education at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “This includes proven NASA and NASA-sponsored educational resources to meet specific learning goals.”

The program provides workshops and online graduate courses with NASA content and materials with a focus towards students in K-12 classrooms. NASA is also working in partnership with state departments of education to ensure program participation is accredited towards state certification requirements.

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