OCC launches Financial Literacy Campaign with Univision Communications Inc.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced it will launch a consumer financial education campaign for U.S. Hispanic consumers in partnership with Univision.

Through the new partnership, the OCC will work with Univision to develop short Public Service Announcements, or PSAs, that provide information on personal finance issues such as avoiding foreclosure scams and check fraud, and understanding reverse mortgages. These messages build from Univision’s financial literacy platform “Cuentas Claras,” or Clear Finances, a campaign that for the past four years has provided important financial information to Hispanics in the United States and Puerto Rico.
“I’m very pleased that we have this opportunity to work with Univision on consumer financial education,” said Comptroller of the Currency John C. Dugan. “Financial literacy is vital for all Americans, and Univision offers an opportunity to provide information to literally millions of Hispanic viewers in the United States.”
Univision and OCC will begin working together this month, and it is expected that the first jointly-produced PSAs will begin airing in January.

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