Fundacion Azteca America launches ‘Educacion: Es Tu Futuro!’.

Fundacion Azteca America announced the official launch of its education campaign entitled “Educacion : Es tu futuro!” (Education: It’s Your Future!).

The effort is part of a series of initiatives spearheaded by Grupo Salinas Founder and Chairman Ricardo B. Salinas to support education throughout the Americas.

The campaign includes public service announcements featuring top Azteca entertainment personalities broadcast on Azteca America Network. It also includes a web-based campaign that can be accessed at, and print material that will be distributed through the network of over 60 local stations of Azteca America through the country and participating partners.

The focus of the campaign is based on three primary goals: 1) Decrease school dropout rates, 2) Foment more interest in the community for higher education and 3) Instill the necessity and benefits of closer parental
involvement since birth in the education process.

“Our education campaign is the result of a consultative process of key legislative members of our community and non-governmental experts,” said Luis J. Echarte, Chairman of Fundacion Azteca America and Azteca America
Network. “As a parallel effort to the White House initiatives on education, our goal is to maintain education at the forefront of our community. Without education there is no future advance for our community.”

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