Negotiations Between SAG-AFTRA, ANA & 4A’s mandate for Ad-ID in All Commercial Production.

Commercials negotiations between the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA), and the ANA-4A’s Joint Policy Committee (JPC) representing the advertising industry, have mandated universal adoption of Ad-ID. Ad-ID is the industry coding standard for identifying advertising assets across all media platforms. Use of Ad-ID will provide the necessary identification required by all parties for fair talent compensation. Under the new agreement, all commercials produced for television, radio and digital platforms featuring SAG-AFTRA union members, must now use Ad-ID as the sole standard commercial identifier. Per the contract, a grace period through March 31, 2014 will be provided for conversion.

Ad-ID is a web-based system that generates and manages a unique identifying code for each advertising asset and applies that code to all media. Valid Ad-ID codes can only be issued from the Ad-ID system and include all basic information regarding the advertising asset.

“This mandate is a critical step forward for Ad-ID and the advertising industry as a whole,” said Bob Liodice, President and CEO of the ANA and CEO of Ad-ID. “Full adoption of Ad-ID will enable greater transparency and accountability and eliminate costly errors associated with the inconsistent use of advertising asset identifiers. To ensure consistency with the SAG-AFTRA contract provisions, we strongly recommend that the transition to Ad-ID codes for all television, radio and digital commercial production begin as soon as possible.”

In October 2012, Ad-ID was unanimously endorsed by the boards of directors of the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s) and Association of National Advertisers (ANA)as the industry standard for commercial advertising coding.

For more information about the SAG-AFTRA and JPC agreement with Ad-ID visit>

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