República launches multimedia ad campaign for BankUnited.

República has created a multimedia campaign for Florida banking leader BankUnited that highlights the BS (BankSpeak) that many small and medium-sized business owners are enduring today. The “BankSpeak” campaign is currently running on TV, radio, print outdoor and digital. República has been hired to handle Creative as well as Media Planning and Buying efforts for the BankUnited campaign.

“República won the campaign assignment because they brought ideas to the table that not only capture the frustration people are feeling with the banking industry today but ideas that position us for the future,” said Mary Harris, Senior Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations, BankUnited.

Luis Casamayor, República’s president and CCO, added, “To deliver what BankUnited sought, República conceived the character Harry S. Beauvine, a minotaur we constructed through a combination of animatronics and advanced puppetry. Harry is an executive of BS* Bank and specializes in ‘BankSpeak.’ Look out for Harry as he makes appearances throughout Florida!”

The first phase of the “BankSpeak” campaign, portrays a big bank, BS* Bank, that places corporate interests before customers’. As this institution makes great strides in defining itself as an innovator in red tape, proliferating fees and non-service, it’s business as usual in the cynical mock ads within the ads.

The TV spot that launched the campaign, entitled “Yes Man,” opens with a customer reacting to a BS* Bank executive’s shady spiel. “Am I gonna blow hot air at you and tell you we have the best interest rates in town? Yes. I. Am. Will I guarantee you a fast loan approval and then ignore your phone calls? You betcha,” blurts the annoying rep—a minotaur wearing a tailored suit graced with a “Trust Me” lapel pin. The ad tags by asking if we’re tired of the “BS,” or Bank Speak. “Switch to a better bank: BankUnited,” it suggests. “We’re with you.”

“BankUnited tapped República to create a groundbreaking campaign at this time when customer frustration and disappointment is high, and there is a furious search for a bank that will make the banking experience a pleasant and easy one,” said Jorge A. Plasencia, chairman and CEO of Miami-based República. “We’re proud to have been selected by BankUnited and very excited to become their partner during this exciting period of growth.”

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