Creative That Wins.

By: Kathy Whitlock, Vice President of Agency Development at Univision Communications Inc.

On October 26, Univision and Millward Brown presented a webinar in the “Hispanic 411: Insights to Grow Your Business” series that showcased creative that works. Led by myself and David Burgos, vice president at Millward Brown and co-author of “Marketing to the New Majority: Strategies for a Diverse World,” the goal of the interactive session was to help marketers and agency professionals develop creative that engages Hispanics.

The keys we identified for delivering winning creative included:

First off, be aware that basic advertising principles apply: advertising must incorporate the brand, engage the consumer, be easily understood and evoke a response from consumers. The one major difference is that marketers must use Hispanic insights to achieve cultural relevance.

Do your due diligence at the creative brief stage. Hispanic data should be incorporated in the discovery and research phase and resulting Hispanic insights in the strategic development of advertisements. Consider separate creative briefs if there are significant differences between your Hispanic and non-Hispanic consumers, such as a lack of category experience or brand knowledge.

Third, recognize the elements that help boost enjoyment with Hispanics. Humor, music, celebrities, family, friends and escapism work well, but marketers must ensure that that they are used in line with the overall positioning of the brand and are relevant from a cultural perspective. This Latino “flavor” is what increases the likelihood of success. Just be sure that you don’t overuse the concept of family. Stay away from passive and cliché family scenarios and instead use them to creatively differentiate your brand.

The fourth point we presented is that brands should play an active role in the ad and be present at critical moments when consumers are paying most attention.

Finally, don’t force the ethnic factor. “Being Hispanic is just one of the many factors that define Latinos as consumers and we’d be actually diminishing them by assuming that their ethnicity is all that matters,” shared Burgos. Remember, the goal of creative should be to share with consumers a key takeaway of the product and its end benefit – not to talk about the culture.

If you weren’t able to join us, I highly recommended watching the archive here; use the password hispanic411. Throughout the coming months, Univision will host additional webinars showcasing insights on the Hispanic consumer, category-specific research and marketing best practices. We hope you join us again.

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