Puerto Rico’s largest gathering of bloggers and social media influencers celebrates its 3rd consecutive year with a series of panels dedicated to explore the different ways of Self Expression on social media networks.  Bloggers, video bloggers and micro bloggers will converge to share their motivations and the secrets of their success amidst the rapidly growing field of social media influencers.

Among panelists are Nydia Suárez (Los “imeils” de Jacinta), Xavier Montalvo (Qiibo), Christian Ortega (La Cabeza de Christian), Rissig Licha (Apuntes de Propaganda), “Manny Colón” (Memorias de un Cabrón Confundido), Christian Rosario (787News Network), Lcda. Julizzette Colón (Consulta con JCB), Firuzeh Shokooh (Global Voices), Michelle Kantrow Vázquez (News is My Business),  “Nerdote” y “Fetoso” (Esoez), “El Rata” y “Oscar Marrano” (El Ñame), Ángel González,  Gabriel Lugo y Luis Robles (Mechahumano), Karol Sepúlveda (Primera Hora), Camila Feibelman (Sierra Club) and more.

When: Saturday, May 14th
Where: Terra Campestre, Guaynabo, P.R.
For more information at http://puertoricobloggercon.blogspot.com

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