AHAA 2010 Annual Conference Podcast AVAILABLE

As a follow up to our 2010 Association of Hispanic Advertising Agencies Annual Conference, we wanted to thank those who were able to attend and provide an update on a few points of interest
if you missed us.

Podcasts from our industry’s leading experts are now available for download on AHAA’s iTunes channel.

Click here to listen to the following recordings:

Podcast #17 – A Conversation with Recording Superstar, Pitbull, and Ruben Leyva

Podcast #18 – Immigration Debate: The Mindset & Economic Toll

Podcast #19 – Census Discussion with César Melgoza

Podcast #20 – How Doing Good is Good For Your Brand (Juanes)

Podcast #21 – Fireside Chat with Mark Addicks, CMO, General Mills

Podcast #22 – Social Media

Podcast #23 – ROI Panel

*Don’t forget to rate the content and subscribe to AHAA on iTunes for notification when new podcasts are uploaded. If you have trouble accessing these recordings, email Ayanna Wiggins, aw******@ah**.org for assistance.

PowerPoint slides for the following presentations can be downloaded here

General Sessions:

– Census
– Social Media
– ROI Panel


– New Measurement Tools for Media
– Way Beyond Demographics: The Online World of Young Hispanics
– Idea Foreplay (Miami Ad School)
– Account Planning Case Studies (Gold winners)
– New Third and Fourth Screen Research (Nielsen)

To access CLICK on link below:

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