Arbitron: Digital Place-based Video has reached Critical Mass.

The availability of digital place-based video has reached a critical mass. Over two-thirds of teens and adults have seen a digital video display in a public venue in the past month, according to the Arbitron Digital Place-based Video Study 2010. Seventy percent of U.S. residents aged 12 or older recalled seeing a digital video display in at least one of the 18 venue categories examined in this report; that translates to approximately 181 million Americans. More than half of persons aged 12 or older recall seeing one in the past week.

The Arbitron Digital Place-based Video Study 2010 benchmarks the size and profile of the national audience to digital video displays in retail or other venues in the United States. These video displays in most cases broadcast advertising and content that are specially created for an out-of-home environment and are distinct from network or cable TV viewing away from home.
This is the second comprehensive study on Digital Place-based Video Arbitron has released. These findings come from a national survey of 1,753 persons ages 12 and over conducted by Arbitron Inc. and Edison Research. Arbitron and Edison have conducted studies since 1998 on topics relating New Media.

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