Lopez Negrete Hispanic Marketing Education Fund Scholarship looking for candidates.

Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc. is encouraging students to apply for the company’s scholarship fund. The deadline for all students who wish to apply for the Lopez Negrete Hispanic Marketing Education Fund scholarship is March 1, 2010. Links to the scholarship application can be found at http://www.aaf-houston.org/2010-scholarship/> .

“We consider the establishment of the Fund an investment in the youth and an investment in our industry,” says Alex López Negrete, president, CEO and CCO of Lopez Negrete Communications, Inc. “The availability of a rich and varied talent pool, bolstered by the winners of the scholarship, can guarantee that the business of Hispanic marketing remains fresh and innovative, while benefiting students facing rising tuition costs.”

The Lopez Negrete Hispanic Marketing Education Fund Scholarship is made available by the American Advertising Federation-Houston’s charitable foundation, the Advertising Education Foundation of Houston. This is the third year the scholarship will be awarded to certified junior or senior students. Students must have selected a major in a marketing-related field such as advertising, marketing, communications, radio/TV/film production, media studies or marketing research. Applicants may be Latino or non-Latino, but must be bilingual and focused on, or with a specific interest in, Hispanic marketing and advertising.

“The Lopez Negrete’s are principal supporters of the local ad federation and of education,” said Jay Hagins, AAF-Houston President. “We’re fortunate to have such a generous community of businesses in the Houston area, businesses like Lopez Negrete.”

While students may attend eligible institutions in any location, preference will be given to those attending classes full time at the University of Houston, University of St. Thomas, Emerson College, Texas State University or The Florida State University.

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