AMA Foundation establishes Multicultural Mentorship Award.

The trustees of the American Marketing Association Foundation (AMAF) have established the Williams-Qualls-Spratlen Multicultural Mentoring Award of Excellence. The purpose of the award, says Lisa Chernick, executive director of the AMAF, is to encourage and reward outstanding mentors of graduate students and junior faculty colleagues in marketing. The $5,000 award will be awarded annually at the American Marketing Association’s Summer Marketing Educators’ Conference beginning in 2010.

Named equally for Jerome D. Williams of the University of Texas at Austin, William Qualls of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Thaddeus H. Spratlen of the University of Washington, the award is intended to raise the awareness of mentoring successes from the university level to the national level. It also will, over time, contribute to marketing faculty development by recognizing and rewarding the importance of mentoring graduate students and junior colleagues from underrepresented groups in academic marketing.

Award recipients will have a long-standing commitment to mentoring multicultural students and junior faculty and will have advanced research on issues of racial, ethnic and cultural diversity and their effect on the practice of marketing. “The AMAF is pleased to introduce this valuable award. We look forward to rewarding top mentors and hope the award helps to inspire others to develop their own programs to the benefit of all students and the practice of marketing,” Chernick says.

For more information on the Williams-Qualls-Spratlen Multicultural Mentoring Award of Excellence please visit>

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