Univision Interactive launches enhanced toolbar.

Univision Interactive Media, Inc. announced the launch of the Univision.com Barra (Univision Toolbar), powered by Conduit. This powerful application gives users a simple, personalized conduit to take their favorite Univision.com content with them wherever they browse. It also offers access to social media tools and popular content from across the Web with one click.

“Launching premiere affinity products like the Univision.com Barra enables us to create a direct, always-on connection with our audience,” said Kevin Conroy, president of Univision Interactive Media. “Our new community toolbar is a powerful product that allows us to easily deliver relevant, personalized content to our audience in their browsers and on their desktops.”
“Univision.com has added a powerful, localized retention tool to its Marketing Toolkit for its multi-lingual audience. Through this conduit, community members now have easy access to programming, breaking news and social media updates that will bring them back to Univision.com much more often,” said Adam Boyden, president of Conduit. 
Available free of charge, the Univision.com Barra installs in seconds on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Safari on Windows, Linux or Mac and allows users to directly access their favorite Univision.com content, including news, gossip and soccer.  Univision.com’s social networking service Mi Página (My Page) can be accessed from the toolbar at the click of a button.  In addition, the Univision.com Barra features email notification, weather alerts, access to Web search, as well as radio and videos from top Univision programming and beyond.
Users will automatically receive the latest enhancements, as well as ongoing Univision.com alerts and exclusive offerings. The Univision.com Barra is available for free at http://barra.univision.com

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