Dallas Cowboys America’s favorite football team.

Not only do the Dallas Cowboys have a brand new stadium this year, they are also chosen yet again as America’s favorite football team among those who follow professional football. The Pittsburgh Steelers come in at number 2 (up from 4th last year) and the Chicago Bears are in at number three (up from number 6 last year). Rounding out the top five are the Indianapolis Colts (down from number 3) and the New England Patriots (down from number two).

These are some of the results of The Harris Poll of 2,334 adults, of whom 1,194 follow professional football, surveyed online between September 8 and 15, 2009 by Harris Interactive.
Finishing up the top ten favorite football teams are the Green Bay Packers (down one from No. 5), the Philadelphia Eagles (up one from No. 8), the New York Giants (up one from No 7), the Tennessee Titans who jumped up 16 spots from number 25 to the number 9 spot and the Minnesota Vikings (up two from No. 12).

Besides the 16 point jump of the Tennessee Titans, other big movers this year are: The Atlanta Falcons who jumped 14 spots from No. 27 to No. 13; The New York Jets who lost Brett Favre and 11 points, dropping to No. 20 from a tie at No. 9; The Arizona Cardinals, who moved up 8 spots (from No. 24 to No. 16); and, The Washington Redskins and the Oakland Raiders who each dropped 8 points (respectively from a tie at No. 9 to a tie at No. 17 and from No. 13 to No. 21).

Winning the Super Bowl

Every team has fans and every team, even ones that may not be in the running, have fans who think they will win the Super Bowl this year. But, as one might expect, a few teams rise higher than others. Almost one in five football fans believe the Pittsburgh Steelers will win the Super Bowl this year (19%) while 17% believe the New England Patriots will win. Less than one in ten believe all other teams will win, but at the top of this list are the Indianapolis Colts (7%), the Dallas Cowboys (6%), and 5% who each think the Bears, Giants and Eagles will be Super Bowl Champions this year.

Who are football fans?

Just over half of Americans (51%) say they follow professional football and, as one might expect, men are more likely than women to be fans (64% versus 39%). Baby Boomers (those 45-63) are more likely than Echo Boomers (those aged 18-32) to be fans (55% versus 43%) and African Americans are more likely to be fans than both Hispanics and Whites (63% versus 51% and 50%). There is even a political difference as Republicans are more likely to follow professional football than Democrats are (59% versus 50%).

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For more information at http://www.harrisinteractive.com

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