E-Mail Marketers Fail the Test.

Testing…1, 2, 3…

In this down economy, where marketers are under increasing pressure to wring out as much value as possible from of each dollar, measurable ROI has become critical. Testing and optimization mean more bang for the buck.

Still, e-mail marketing agency eROI found in a May–June 2009 survey that 37.1% of US e-mail marketers did not test their e-mail campaigns at all.

Among marketers who failed to test campaigns, the most common reason was that they simply did not know how (nearly 33%). Another 27.4% reported not having enough time to do so. A few (8.5%) said they did not actually see the value in testing.

More than 85% of those marketers who tested their e-mail campaigns scrutinized subject lines. Far fewer (54.8%) tested calls to action, and around one-half made efforts to optimize design and body copy.

In addition to content, e-mail marketers also tested the best timing for their campaigns. Almost one-half considered midday the optimal time to send marketing messages, followed by the start of the business day.

Respondents also reported that Tuesday was the best day of the week for marketing e-mails, with Wednesday coming in second.

eMarketer estimates $392 million will be spent on e-mail advertising in the US in 2009. Campaign testing may determine how wisely those dollars are put to work for marketers.

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Courtesy of http://www.www.emarketer.com

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