Nearly 2/3 of U.S. Hispanics access the Internet monthly.

United States Hispanics are not only online in overwhelming numbers, but they are taking advantage of the internet’s position as a primary tool for information. Previous notions of Hispanics not having access to the internet, or being unaware of its possibilities, have been smashed. Not only are U.S. Hispanics online, but they turn to the internet for a variety of reasons.

According to a recent Ipsos U.S. Hispanic Omnibus study, sixty-three percent of Hispanics living in the United States say that they access the internet at least once a month. These “wired” Hispanics state that they are turning to the internet for both information and entertainment. From following the days breaking news, downloading the latest musical hit, uploading photographs of family and friends, or even researching products before they make the final purchase decision – Hispanics show that the internet is an important tool in their everyday life. “The idea of U.S. Hispanics either lacking internet access, or lacking the ability to utilize the online tools often thought exclusive to the mainstream is no longer relevant. We know that millions of Hispanics are online, either at home or at work, and they are engaging in functions, often in higher numbers, than the general population. U.S. Hispanics understand the value of having access to the internet and they are not only turning to the internet for basic search functions, but for entertainment and to increase their knowledge of the world around them,” according to Cynthia Pelayo, Senior Research Manager.

What’s Going On? U.S. Hispanics are Turning to the News Online

We live in an ever changing world – and U.S. Hispanics are keeping up with these events and are turning to the internet to do so. While online, over eighty-percent (84%) of U.S. Hispanics said that they read the news at least once per month.

* Men (90%) are more likely than women (79%) to read the news while on the internet.

* Those under the age of 55 (85%) are more likely to read the news online than 55+ (72%)

* Virtually all Hispanics with a college degree (97%) read the news while online at least once per month.

These are some of the findings of an Ipsos poll conducted September 11, 2008 to October 6, 2008. For the survey, a nationally representative sample of 513 Hispanics was interviewed by telephone via Ipsos’ U.S. Hispanic Omnibus. With a sample of this size, the results are considered accurate within ± 4.3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20, of what they would have been had the entire population adult homeowners in the U.S. been polled. The margin of error will be larger within regions and for other sub-groupings of the survey population. These data were weighted to ensure the sample’s regional and age/gender composition reflects that of the actual U.S. population according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

It’s Time to Buy: U.S. Hispanics Are Researching and Purchasing Products Online

Almost eighty percent (79%) of Hispanics are turning to the internet to research products and they are not just researching, they are buying. While online over half of U.S. Hispanics (53%) make a purchase at least once a month.

* U.S. Hispanics aged 35-54 are more likely to purchase products online (62%), while Hispanics aged 55+ are least likely (37%).

* Gender is not a determining factor as men (51%) and women (55%) are almost equally likely to make a purchase online.

Watching Videos, Uploading Photos, Downloading Music and Social Networking All Are Popular Online Activities for Hispanics

YouTube, MySpace, Facebook, and iTunes are not just drivers for the general population. Hispanics are also turning to the internet for entertainment in significant numbers. Nearly sixty-percent of Hispanics (58%) in the U.S. who went online in the past month watched some type of video, and roughly half report having uploaded photos (54%) or downloaded music (47%), showing that they are highly engaged while online.

* The popularity of social networking sites such as Myspace, Facebook, and MiGente has reached the Hispanic segment as 40% of Hispanics who went online in the past month maintain their own social networking site.

* Over two thirds (68%) of those aged 18-34 watch videos online at least once a month.

* Over sixty-percent (61%) of Hispanics aged 18-34 who went online in the past month, uploads photographs on a monthly basis.

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