Federal Communications Commission’s Martin report Commission’s success.
December 21, 2008
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Kevin J. Martin issued a comprehensive report showing the Commission’s success in creating a regulatory environment that advanced consumer protections and promoted investment and industry competition – setting the rules of the road so that players could compete on a level playing-field.
“Faced with such fast-paced technological changes, as Chairman, I always made decisions based on a fundamental belief that a robust, competitive marketplace, not regulation, is ultimately the greatest protector of the public interest,” Chairman Martins said. “As a regulatory agency, we did have a role to serve and we stepped in when the marketplace didn’t allow for sufficient competition to a former monopoly, when the market needed to be open to new entrants and technologies, or when the larger societal goals such as ensuring the needs of public safety, fell outside the market scope.”
To view report CLICK on link below: