Multi-Screen Video services have promise in US.

The boundary lines between the TV, PC, and mobile screens are blurring with increased broadband and 3G penetration, reports In-Stat . Service providers are being challenged from all sides for control over the consumer and the content they consume, the high-tech market research firm says. The challenge for network service providers is how to add value in the connected lifestyle.

“One answer is the introduction of multi-screen video services,” says Keith Nissen, In-Stat analyst. “For instance, consumers could view NBC’s videos of the recent Olympic Games on TV, PC, or mobile devices using existing network services. Another alternative is converged multi-screen services that offer consumers the same capabilities, along with value-added, next-generation features and functions that make the service device independent.”

Recent research by In-Stat found the following:

* Within five years, there is the potential for 11 million TV-PC service subscribers and nearly 16 million converged PC-mobile service subscribers in the US.
* Based on consumer surveys, In-Stat has concluded that TV-PC two-screen video services are best offered as content-only multi-screen services, with a common, web-based portal for content identification, sampling, selection, and purchasing.

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