Telemundo 51 polls So. Florida Voters.

WSCV Telemundo 51 has commissioned an election poll to investigate voters’ opinions and preferences prior to the November 4th general election. The poll was conducted exclusively for Telemundo 51 by pollster Carlos McDonald of the McDonald Group between September 27th and October 1st.

A total of nine hundred registered voters residing in the 18th, 21st and 25th Congressional Districts were polled on their voting preferences, both for President of the United States and for the Congressional candidate of their choice according to their district. Voters were also asked questions about the issues that concern them the most, such as the financial crisis, health care and national security.

Telemundo 51’s exclusive poll also includes questions about voters’ opinions on aid to hurricane victims in Cuba and on lifting the U.S. embargo on Cuba either temporarily or permanently.

The poll will be released over a period of six days, starting on Thursday, October 2nd at 11pm, immediately after the 9pm Vice Presidential debate which will air in Spanish on Telemundo 51. The poll question for the evening will address voters’ opinions about Governor Sarah Palin.

Friday at 11pm, Telemundo Noticiero 51 will release the poll results that focus on the question: “If the election for President were held today between John McCain and Barack Obama, who would you vote for?”

The Congressional poll results will air on October 6th and 7th. The 25th District race between Mario Diaz-Balart and Joe Garcia will be examined at 6pm on October 6th and the poll results for the 21st District election between Lincoln Diaz-Balart and Raul Martinez will be released at 11pm on October 6th.

The results of the 18th District poll question regarding Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and Annette Taddeo will air on Tuesday, October 7th at 6pm.

Poll results regarding the Cuba embargo will air on Telemundo Noticiero 51 on Wednesday October 8th at 11pm.

“We are very pleased to work with expert pollster Carlos McDonald in examining voters’ opinions and projected voting preferences”, said Migdalia Figueroa, Telemundo 51 Vice President of News. “The poll will increase our understanding of what matters most to South Florida citizens, and it is part of our plan to bring our viewers the most relevant political stories leading up to the November 4th election”, added Figueroa.

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