Ad Spending on Global Economic issues soars to nearly $21 Million.

In its ongoing analysis of 2008 campaign dollars spent on global economic issues, Kearsarge Global Advisors (KGA), a Washington, D.C.-based government affairs and communications firm, today released its second report in a series devoted to the topic. So far in 2008, $20,826,032 have been spent on 55,019 spots in 33 states, along with minimal national cable placements.

“It is no surprise that campaigns are focusing their ad dollars on these types of issues,” said Jim Courtovich, Managing Partner of KGA. “Global economic issues are an easy attack, but the real fear for U.S. businesses is what the policy impact will be next year.”

Year-to-date spending increased more than 100% in the first three weeks of September. From September 1st through the 23rd , campaigns spent $10,872,849, as compared to $9,953,183 in the prior eight months combined.

“Over the last three weeks, we have seen campaign ads focusing on global economic issues appear in thirteen states where there was previously no activity,” said Courtovich. “Many campaigns have yet to unleash their advertising dollars. We anticipate spending on these issues will continue a steep climb all the way through November 4th.”

KGA initially forecast that a minimum of $66 million will be spent on negative ads related to issues such as outsourcing, tax breaks, trade with China, NAFTA/CAFTA, foreign ownership, and “unfair” trade policies. The report, “The Politics of a Global Economy,” was the first in a series that is tracking campaign advertising through the 2008 election cycle and will feature a post-election analysis of public policy implications for the next Congress and presidential administration.

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