Digital Hispanic Ads: More Than a Blip?

Digital Hispanic Ads: More Than a Blip?

Advertisers spent $180 million on display ads to reach the online US Hispanic audience last year, accounting for 4.6% of total Hispanic ad spending in 2007, according to July 2008 data from TNS Media Intelligence.

The data provides useful direction for examining low Hispanic online ad spending.

Yet the online spending figure is incomplete. TNS surveys just 44 Hispanic Websites, according to its own material. By comparison, an online ad-tracking site, HispanicWebMonitor, surveys nearly 200 Hispanic sites.

Furthermore, TNS does not include two important and growing formats in its final count: paid search and online video ads. eMarketer estimates that search ads (including paid listings, contextual text links and paid inclusion) make up about 42% of online ad spending this year. Rich media and video ads will account for an additional 9.9% of this year’s Internet ad spending. Display ads, which TNS does measure, account for 20.9% of the total online ad spend.

Assuming that search and video advertising to the online Hispanic market accounted for just 40% of advertisers’ Internet budgets last year, a more inclusive total for online Hispanic advertising would be about $300 million in 2007.

Even with those adjustments, Internet ad spend would remain at roughly 5% of total US Hispanic ad spending—well below the Web’s portion of overall US ad spending, which eMarketer estimates reached 7.6% in 2007.

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