Cristina Saralegui’s ‘BUEN VIVIR’ column in People en Espanol.

Cristina Saralegui will debut her new monthly lifestyles column BUEN VIVIR in the October issue of People en Espanol.

“Contemporary life has become so stressful,” said Cristina, “but it doesn’t have to be that way. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money to have a good life. I have learned along the way that there are vacations you
can take, entertaining you can do and simple tips to organize your life and your home that can bring great joy to living. I am looking forward to sharing all of that and more with the readers of People en Espanol.”

“Hispanic women have been turning to Cristina for advice for many years, and she’s never let them down,” said People en Espanol’s managing editor Armando Correa. “We wanted our readers to have the benefit of her insight, humor and wisdom every month and now, all they have to do is turn to the pages of People en Espanol to find it.”

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