Changing Mobile TV and Video, Cramped Ad Spend.

How much revenue will come from ads, and how much from subscription fees?

Worldwide mobile video/television revenue forecasts tend to diverge significantly depending on what is counted and how.

A recent forecast from Informa Telecoms & Media projected that mobile video and television will reach $4.8 billion by 2012, up from $750 million in 2007. The extent of ad-supported versus paid content is not clear from this research.

Specific mobile video revenue forecasts have emerged as well. In November 2007, iSuppli published figures stating that mobile video revenues worldwide will reach $14.6 billion in 2011, with an ad-supported component totaling $3.8 billion.

The company also reported that mobile video advertising worldwide will reach $427 million in 2008.

Frost & Sullivan expects mobile TV revenues in Asia-Pacific (excluding Japan) to climb to $1.88 billion by 2013, up from $440 million in 2007.

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