FEMMA GEEKS take charge.

American women are now ahead of men in activities ranging from streaming on network TV websites, frequent DVR use and casual gaming to participation in social media such as MySpace and Facebook, according to the results of the Women and Digital Lifestyles report released by Solutions Research Group.

Among the key findings:

More women stream TV shows from network TV sites than men— 15% American online women did so last month compared to 11% of men. Moms with kids under the age of six and English-speaking Hispanic women were the most active women’s segments with 19% and 21% streaming, respectively.

Women in DVR households are more enthusiastic about them. They use their DVRs 9.3 times per week on average, compared to 8.3 for men. And DVR-owner women with kids watch 56% of their TV on a time- shifted basis, much higher than the average of 42% among male DVR owners.

When it comes to gaming, 70% played a PC game in the last month vs. 69% of men. Among teen girls and young women 12-24, 82% participated and among those 40+, 66% played PC games.

Men continue to lead console gaming (Xbox, PlayStation, Wii, et al) with 50% participating but the gap is narrowing. Overall, 38% of women played a console game in the last month, up from 35% a year before. Among teen girls and young adults 12-24, 69% play console games (up from 63%) and among 25-29, 55% play console games, up from 47%.

Top handhelds and consoles for girls and women were: Sony PS2, Game Boy, Xbox, Nintendo 64 and DS. Women were also more likely to have a Sony PSP than men.

African-American women are particularly engaged in console games, with two- in-three participating.

Women also lead the social networking crowd where 42% of online women (vs. 41% of online men) visited a social media site in the last month up from 30% the year before. In the “Young Singles” segment, 74% visit social media sites. But even in the older “Empty Nester” segment of online women 40 plus, participation nearly doubled from 14% to 25% driven by a desire to connect with kids and family.

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