Mobile Searchers hunt for downloads.

Looking for (hopefully free) phone content.

Google built its brand by figuring out what Internet searchers wanted. The race to do the same for mobile users is on, and since the potential mobile audience is even bigger than that for online search, the rewards for the winner promise to be high.

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So what are mobile searchers looking for?

According to November 2007 data provided to eMarketer by Medio Systems, over 60% of the leading North American search categories focused on downloadable content. The study focused on searches made on the T-Mobile, Verizon, Sprint and Telus networks.

Mobile searches for adult content as well as general searches across the Web and WAP universe came in second.

During the same month, Handango reported that downloadable content took three out of the top ten mobile search categories in the third quarter of 2007.

According to Nielsen Mobile, the most popular mobile search format among mobile data users in the third quarter of 2007 was 411 directory assistance followed by SMS-based search. Local search listings led other categories such as information and mobile content.

“2007 saw some of the first indications that mobile search for users and brands is becoming more like the “regular” Internet in terms of objectives and measures of success,” said John du Pre Gauntt, senior analyst at eMarketer.

Mr. Gauntt said that the transfer of online search habits to mobile search cut both ways.

“On the one hand, the value proposition behind ad-supported search is clear to both consumers and advertisers. So re-education is minimal,” he said. “At the same time, consumer and advertiser expectations are higher in terms of the search experience.”

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