Online Lead Generation Best Practices for U.S.-Based Advertisers and Publishers.

The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) announced the release of “Online Lead Generation: B2C and B2B Best Practices for U.S.-Based Advertisers and Publishers,” a document that provides organizations with the principles of good conduct when they engage in the practice of lead generation. It further reflects commitment of the IAB and its Lead Generation member companies to high ethics, self-regulation, and corporate responsibility. This is the latest component of a long-term initiative that defines best practices and educates advertisers and publishers on their implementation.

“This is truly an industry landmark, and I applaud the Lead Generation Committee for its extraordinary efforts at creating this critical document,” said Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO of the IAB. “As digital media continues to become the fulcrum upon which marketers are building their brands, it is incumbent on the interactive industry to proactively develop and live up to the highest standards. This document helps us achieve that goal.”

“Online Lead Generation: B2C and B2B Best Practices for U.S.-Based Advertisers and Publishers” goes above and beyond current lead generation legislation and regulation by recommending that advertisers and publishers adopt and adhere to strict online lead generation best practices that focus on three critical areas:

With these recent additions, the IAB’s Board of Directors is now comprised of interactive organizations from across the breadth of platforms and technologies, reflecting the industry’s enormous growth and consumers’ increased appetite for and adoption of interactive media. Interactive advertising revenues were on track to exceed $20 billion in 2007, according to research by the IAB and Price Waterhouse Coopers.

1. Publisher Privacy Disclosures: Data Collection, Usage and Sharing
2. Advertiser Disclosures: Offer Requirements and Obligations
3. Promotional Site Disclosures

“This document is a huge step forward. It reflects the Committee’s dedication to implement and comply with best practices that support the continued growth of the online lead generation industry by ensuring consumers’ privacy and ongoing confidence in interactive media,” said Gayle Guzzardo, SVP Product Management at Q Interactive and Lead Generation Committee Chair.

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