National Public Awareness Campaign on Immigration Policy.

An influential group has announced the most aggressive immigration policy public awareness campaign in U.S. history. Mexicans & Americans Thinking Together ( with Lionel Sosa as their Executive Director, made the announcement at its second “Immigration Solutions Roundtable” in Las Vegas.

“The purpose of this multi-phase effort aims to find the positive, pro-immigration message that will counter the message of division promoted by anti-immigration groups and eventually move government to act,” said Lionel Sosa, Executive Director of “This new message will become the centerpiece of a media campaign we hope will match the level of spending of presidential campaigns and groups, perhaps as much as $100 million.”

“The aggressive awareness campaign will begin soon, possibly within the next three months,” said Sosa. “Therefore, we are calling on like minded corporations and organizations to assist us with the effort to get out the voice of reason on immigration.”

The daylong meeting brought together leaders from more than 25 influential American organizations that share an interest in immigration reform, not partisan advantage. Participants included heads of national organizations and members of both political parties.

The “Immigration Solutions Roundtable” series is designed to bring about a common message and public awareness campaign to help educate Americans that comprehensive reform is the right solution to the immigration problem. This roundtable is an opportunity for each organization that cares about immigration to come together to agree on a strategy so they can be ready for the next round of immigration policy debates.

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