Univision kicks-off Civic Engagement campaign to encourage Voter participation.

Univision Communications Inc. announced that it has launched “Ve y Vota en las Primarias” (Get Out and Vote in the Primaries), the third phase of a massive non-partisan campaign to educate and engage the country’s Hispanic population in the national electoral process.

In partnership with NALEO (National Association of Latino Elected Officials), Univision began airing thirty-second public service announcements (PSAs) on its broadcast network and local television stations. The PSA’s feature some of the network’s most popular stars – Maria Elena Salinas, Univision Network News Anchor; Raul de Molina and Lili Estefan, hosts of “El Gordo y La Flaca” (The Scoop and the Skinny); Ana Maria Canseco, co-host of Hispanic morning show “Despierta América” (Wake Up America); Fernando Fiore, host of “República Deportiva” (Sports Republic); and the reigning “Nuestra Belleza Latina” (Our Latin Beauty) Alejandra Espinoza.

“Univision is deeply committed to leveraging its media assets to reach and mobilize U.S. Hispanics,” said Cesar Conde, Executive Vice President & Chief Strategy Officer, Univision Communications Inc. “We are proud of the tremendous results of the campaign thus far and will continue to educate, inform and empower Hispanics to increase their participation in the electoral process.”

Previous phases of the “Ya es Hora” (It’s Time) campaign include “Ya es Hora, Ciudadanía” (It’s Time, Citizenship), which succeeded in generating 1 million citizenship applications from January though October of 2007 and “Ya es Hora, Regístrate” (It’s Time, Register), encouraging people to register to vote in time for the Presidential primary elections.

“Ya es Hora” is a historic Latino civic participation campaign. It represents the largest and most comprehensive effort to incorporate Hispanics as full participants of the American political process. The national effort is lead by Entravision Communications, ImpreMedia, Mi Familia Vota Educational Fund, the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and Univision Communications Inc.

Univision.com is empowering Hispanics with the online resources they need to make their votes count. As part of the “Ya es Hora ¡Regístrate!” campaign, Univision.com (keyword: Elecciones) has a dedicated epicenter with vital information, interactive tools, and registration how-to’s. Local mini-sites are also posting registration dates and featuring articles that urge Hispanics to voice their opinions by voting.

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