Internet use at Work keeps climbing.

Clock in. Login. Logout. Clock out.

All that Internet time at work is adding up.

The average US Internet user now clocks about a full workday online every week, according to the USC Annenberg School Center for the Digital Future. At 7.8 hours per week, that amounts to about 31 hours in a four-week month.

The school said that Web use at work has increased by about 70% since 2001, and attributed a dip in 2002-2003 to a change in the work environment from the dot-com meltdown.

USC’s findings line line up well with data from comScore. In May 2007, comScore Media Metrix found that time spent online at work averaged about 28 hours for the month, and that total time spent at all locations averaged about 29 hours per month.

A similar tally for April 2007 from comScore World Metrix put the average monthly total for US Internet users at about 31 hours. That was about seven hours more per month than their European counterparts.

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