FSU – Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication selects 2007-2008 Advisory Board.

The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University is proud to announce the formation of its new 2007 – 2008 Advisory Board. The distinguished members of the new board are:

– Charles P. Garcia. President, Sterling Hispanic Capital Markets Group, and Board member of Winn Dixie Stores.
– Geoff Godwin, Vice President, Marketing, Emerson Climate Technologies, White-Rodgers Division.
– Juan Roberto Job, Corporate Vice President, Hispanic Market, New York Life Insurance Company.
– Mark Lopez, Chief Operations Officer, Terra Networks.
– Isaac Mizrahi, Director, Multicultural Marketing, Sprint Nextel Corporation.
– Aldo Quevedo, President and Chief Creative Officer, Dieste Harmel and Partners.
– Bobby Rodriguez, Director of Cultural Competence, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida.
– Rudy Rodriguez, Director, Multicultural Marketing, General Mills.
– Tony Suarez is The Vice president of Multicultural Marketing at McDonalds.
– Joe Zubizarreta, Chief Operating Officer, Zubi Advertising.

The members of the Advisory Board provide guidance to the Center in achieving its mission:

“The Center for Hispanic Marketing Communication at Florida State University is a national hub for innovative research, education, and training of marketing professionals by means of a partnership between academia and industry. It is the primary source of knowledge and information about Hispanic marketing communication in the United States. The Center aims to promote a two way communication link between marketers and Hispanic customers.”

Dr. Felipe Korzenny, Director of the Center, indicates that “these very special group of advisors will support the Center, not only by providing guidance but also by lecturing, helping place students, serve as role models, assist in obtaining funding, and setting up the agenda for education and research of the Center. We are very proud to count on these very important members of the Hispanic marketing community.”

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