Univision’s historic Republican Presidential Forum creates connection with Hispanic Electorate.

Univision Communications Inc. together with the University of Miami, made history with the broadcast of the first ever Republican Presidential Candidate Forum in Spanish. Univision’s Forum provided a landmark opportunity for the Republican candidates to speak directly to the growing Hispanic electorate whose votes will play an important role in the next presidential election.

The 90-minute forum, moderated by Univision’s network news anchors Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas, took place at the University of Miami’s BankUnited Center in Coral Gables, Florida. Republican candidates Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Governor Mike Huckabee, Congressman Duncan Hunter, Senator John McCain, Congressman Ron Paul, Governor Mitt Romney and Senator Fred Thompson addressed issues of particular interest to the Hispanic community, including immigration, Latin American foreign policy, the war in Iraq, healthcare and education.

“Univision is proud of the history we made tonight: as of this evening, the 2008 presidential elections are the very first in which Spanish-speaking voters have heard directly from the candidates of both major political parties in their own language,” said Joe Uva, CEO of Univision Communications Inc. “These candidate forums are a recognition of the increasingly important role Hispanic Americans play in our national politics and a product of Univision’s commitment to bring the voices of our audiences into the American political dialogue.”

“The University of Miami is proud to once again have been part of such an important event for the Hispanic community in this country, and we thank Univision for making this historic moment possible,” said Donna E. Shalala, President of the University of Miami. “Hosting both the majority of the Republican and Democratic presidential candidates on campus has provided our students with the opportunity to experience the vital role that free and open expression and exchange of ideas plays in our democracy.”

Ramos commented: “I am honored to participate in the first ever Republican Presidential Candidate Forum in Spanish. I see it as my duty to inform and make sure that every member of the Hispanic community is educated about the electoral process and the candidates in this crucial Presidential election.”

“It’s especially rewarding to be a part of a discussion in which our audience can hear directly from the candidates themselves, in their own words, about their positions on the issues that most directly affect their daily lives,” commented Salinas.

Utilizing the company’s multi-platform capabilities, the forum was also broadcast live on their AM radio network, RadioCadena Univision, and streamed on their popular website, Univision.com.

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