Study on Marketing and Media Ecosystem 2010 confirm Digital’s Prominence.

Marketers are increasingly embracing the opportunities created by digital media. According to Marketing & Media Ecosystem 2010, a joint study between the IAB, ANA (Association of National Advertisers), AAAA (American Association of Advertising Agencies), and management consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton, over ninety percent of marketers indicate they planned to increase marketing spend in digital, despite barriers including insufficient metrics, lack of organization support and lack of experience in the new media.

Providing deeper insights into these overarching trends is the goal of the initial deliverables of the study which consist of a slide presentation and a whitepaper.

The slide presentation was first introduced at a CMO Panel hosted by the IAB on October 13 at the ANA Masters of Marketing Annual Conference. It delves into marketers’ emerging views of marketing as a two-way communication with consumers, and highlights the growing trend toward behavioral targeting and interest in consumer insights as a crucial part of the marketing equation: over 80% of marketers indicate those as major priorities. The findings also illustrate how the 18% of firms characterized as interactive leaders show distinctly different traits from non-leader firms, particularly around their willingness to embrace change.

The associated white paper, titled HD Marketing 2010: Sharpening the Conversation was written by Booz Allen Hamilton to summarize the preliminary findings from the first phase of the MME 2010 research. It discusses the key challenges faced by all firms as they embrace interactive media, and suggests core tactical steps needed to address those challenges and successfully reach customers in the new world.

“The initial findings of this study confirm what we at the IAB have been hearing and saying: More and more marketers as well as agencies and others across the industry have embraced the reality that interactive is the fulcrum on which their brand strategies need to be based,” said Randall Rothenberg, President and CEO of the IAB. “Ongoing IAB initiatives creating standards for rich internet applications and exploring interactive audience measurement are just two examples of ways we are helping marketers navigate this new and complex landscape.”

The Marketing Media & Ecosystem 2010 study is based on responses from over 250 marketers as well as in-depth interviews with over seventy-five leading marketers, agencies, and media company senior executives (CMO, CEO and VP). Participants represented 165 unique companies representing B2B, B2C, and mix businesses across sectors (media/publishing, auto/manufacturing, tech/telco, financial services/travel, consumer goods, healthcare/pharma and other). The study was fielded by Guideline, Inc.

Marketing and Media Ecosystem 2010 slide presentation, CLICK on link (Adobe Acrobat Reader required):>

HD Marketing 2010: Sharpening the Conversation presentation CLICK on link (Adobe Acrobat Reader required):>

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