Meredith combine Ser Padres and Healthy Kids en Español.

Meredith Corporation announced that Healthy Kids en Español will merge with market-leading parenthood publication Ser Padres to create the largest Spanish-language consumer magazine in the United States. Ser Padres will increase frequency to eight times a year and increase its rate base 40 percent to 700,000. The February/March re-launched issue of Ser Padres, featuring a fresh look and new logo, will be available January 11, 2008.

“Ser Padres was first-to-market in the Hispanic parenting space and has been a trusted resource for more than 17 years,” said Ruth Gaviria, executive director of Meredith Hispanic Ventures. “Now, we are growing the brand and offering a superior publication to readers and advertisers. Readers will get more culturally-relevant editorial that focuses on the well-being of the Hispanic family, including finances, health, family activities and meal planning.”

Ser Padres was first-to-market in the Hispanic parenting space and has been a trusted resource for more than 17 years,

Editorially, the new Ser Padres will offer more concise articles for the multi-tasking parent, as well as new sections on home décor, women’s health, pregnancy news and shopping guides. The magazine will also include original pieces on cultural heritage, values and education and signature sections like “Profile of a Hispanic Mom.”

Ser Padres will encourage reader interaction through interactive pieces such as “My Favorite Photo,” where parents can submit their family shots for a chance to be featured in the publication’s next issue. Additionally, Ser Padres’ new look will incorporate more sophisticated visuals and real-life photography shot outside of the studio.

“We’ll be able to get to know our reader better and deliver even more information to help her raise healthy and happy kids,” says Ser Padres Editor-in-Chief Alberto Oliva. “I’m excited for the next phase of Ser Padres.”

The January re-launched issue of Ser Padres will include advertising from major brands such as McDonald’s, Clorox, Fisher Price, Publix and the Milk Processor Education Program (PEP).

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