Latino NASCAR at

With the goal to contribute to the true representation of today’s America in motorsports, Edward Rueda has fulfilled the lifelong dream of a Hispanic NASCAR Team with the launch of Rueda Racing The company will operate an All-Hispanic Focused Busch Series team hitting racetracks in 2008. With All-Hispanic ownership, working on having the great Mexican-American driver Carlos Contreras behind the wheel, and an active recruiting of Latino crew members, and driver development program.

The time is right. NASCAR has just launched their Spanish language site, the Latino community is the largest minority in the nation, their buying power is growing at a faster rate than their head count, and Latino traditional media outlets are more than ever covering the sport.

Rueda Racing is capitalizing on all this trends, bringing NASCAR to the Latino community through inclusion of Hispanics at every level of the sport, bringing new fans to NASCAR by attracting all Hispanics and especially Spanish dominant Latinos that haven’t seen, until now, an all encompassing effort to welcome them to the sport. It’s an incredible opportunity for brands, both Hispanic and General Market, to simultaneously reinforce their commitment to serve the Latino consumer and reach out to the traditional NASCAR fan, the most loyal fan base on earth. Given the nature of this venture, NASCAR will give additional promotional exposure to the team and its sponsors.

Mr. Rueda said, “We want to see more Hispanic people, not only behind the wheel, but in the pits, in the stands, watching the race on TV, listening to it on the radio, and supporting our corporate sponsors”. He added that, “We want to reach out to the Hispanic community by showing them that it is possible to thrive within NASCAR without losing one’s identity and that they are welcome to the sport. Latinos will recognize the names and faces of Rueda Racing’s team members and immediately connect with them. They will recognize them as part of their community and will have a strong draw to them, given that they are truly part of their world.”

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