Killer ideas await you!

It’s time for AHAA’s annual creative and account planning conference and what better time and place than Halloween in New York City to dust off the cobwebs and celebrate just how alive Hispanic advertising really is?!

We all know that answer to the question “Is Hispanic Advertising Dead?” How can it possibly be dead when more and more clients are calling for our expertise, when our creative is winning at festivals near and far, when the passion for what we do is the envy of so many? Sí, damas y caballeros, estamos más vivos que nunca. But how do we stay that way?

We signed onto this conference because we love a challenge, we love to celebrate great work, and because we know we sometimes need to ask the tough questions in order to stay ahead. We know Latino agencies are proven change leaders for our clients’ brands and we want to keep it that way. We know that Hispanic marketing is not just a 30-second commercial in Spanish anymore – it’s so much more. Latino agencies cannot fall into the trap of becoming merely executioners. We need to be there with our clients when they are making business decisions.

We want this conference to be a call to action to inspire our agencies to remain on top of their game, driving the industry and continuing to answer the tough questions about how to creatively and effectively communicate our brands’ messages beyond the traditional methods. It’s about taking marketing out of the comfort zone and coming up with great ideas. Not great ideas for the Hispanic market, but great ideas that happen to be created by a Hispanic agency – in Spanish or not.

So if you’re not afraid to face your demons….¡Los esperamos en New York!

Gustavo EL PLANNER de Mello
SVP, Strategic Planning

Conference Co-Chair Aldo EL CREATIVO Quevedo
President & Chief Creative Officer Dieste Harmel & Partners
Conference Co-Chair

For more information at>

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