Televisa Publishing to partner with BIGresearch.

Televisa Publishing announced that it will be joining forces with BIGresearch in order to provide the market with comprehensive information on the Hispanic market. The new services will provide marketers with ongoing consumer insights for better marketing decisions. This will be the first time that BIGresearch produces Spanish translations of its Simultaneous Media (SIMM) and Consumer Intentions & Actions (CIA) Surveys.

As part of the collaboration, Televisa Publishing and BIGresearch will have the opportunity to exchange valuable resources that will allow both companies to increase value to their consumer base and business strategy. Televisa Publishing will be posting links on most of their websites allowing visitors the opportunity to participate in BIGresearch surveys. This will provide BIGresearch with direct access to a database of many Hispanics with various degrees of acculturation.

Dr. Joe Pilotta, Vice President of BIGresearch commented, “The size and economic power of the Hispanic population is well-documented. However, the cultural diversity, which is under the umbrella of the label Hispanic, requires an in-depth holistic approach to media and product consumption differences and similarities.” He goes on to say, “we are extremely honored to be working with such a prestigious company as Editorial Televisa to provide these much needed insights to marketers. We are relying on Editorial Televisa’s experience and knowledge of the Hispanic market to deliver a service that meets the needs of advertisers, marketers and agencies.”

“We are excited to bring in another valuable source of Hispanic research to the market. Through their work with the National Retail Federation and the countries’ largest retailers, BIGresearch has proven to be highly successful in the general market and we expect no different results in the Hispanic arena”, explains David Taggart, General Manager of Televisa Publishing. “We all know that there is a lack of credible and in depth research available on the Hispanic market. Through our partnership with BIGresearch, we are certain that a number of questions will be answered about Hispanics, their consumer behavior, and their media choices. We believe that this research will serve valuable to our clients, agencies and media partners.”

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