UnBuenDoctor magazine launches.

CMO, Inc. announced the launch of UnBuenDoctor, a Spanish-language monthly magazine devoted to providing in-depth health news and information for Chicago Latinos. The inaugural edition of UnBuenDoctor magazine http://www.UnBuenDoctor.com hits newsstands March 27, 2007.

“Our mission is to empower Chicago Latinos with the latest, practical health news and to connect them to the medical resources and providers that they need,” said CMO, Inc. President and UnBuenDoctor Publisher Carlos Mauricio Olea. “UnBuenDoctor will passionately work to be that trusted local bridge between Hispanics and the doctors, resources and medicines they traditionally feel so intimidated about.”

UnBuenDoctor is directed to Hispanic women and their family. The magazine is creating alternative opportunities for the community to learn more about available resources specifically as it relates to preventive and corrective care in three major regularly published areas: Health, Nutrition and Beauty/wellbeing.

“Our distribution strategy is one of our key strengths because that’s critical to advertisers and a large part of what I’ve made my reputation on,” said Olea who during his 14 years in La Raza helped grow the paper’s audited circulation from 40,000 to 186,000+.

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