Internet Video linked to program engagement.

According to a new Knowledge Networks study, consumers who access content via TV networks’ sites are more likely to consider the brands that sponsor that content; they also have high levels of engagement with streaming or downloaded video on network sites and are more likely to view those same shows on regular television.

The report, How People Use TV’s Web Connections, shows that sponsorship of network TV web offerings is a potentially powerful opportunity for marketing companies, while also offering substantial benefits to TV networks and stations themselves. The study shows that

Nearly half (49%) of TV network website viewers say that sponsorship of the streaming or download of an episode would increase their consideration of the sponsoring brand.

Users of streaming or downloaded network video also are significantly more likely than Internet users overall (30% vs. 22%) to buy from companies that advertise on their favorite programs.
The report also suggests that TV networks themselves benefit from offering streamed or downloaded videos:

78% of viewers of these videos say that being able to watch episodes on-line increases their involvement with a program.

25% of viewers of streaming or downloaded network TV videos say they are watching a regular TV program more often because of what they have watched on Internet video.

“We found that, for the most part, features on network and program websites are building equity with program viewers, for both the TV networks and their advertisers,” said David Tice, Vice President, Custom Research, at Knowledge Networks/SRI and Director of The Home Technology Monitor™. “And while these data indicate a good start to sampling the networks’ revamped websites and Internet initiatives, there is much room to grow this crossover TV-Web audience.”

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