Fade2blAAck: real African American perspectives from the Barber’s Chair.

To celebrate Black History month, New American Dimensions unveils “Fade2blAAck”—a short film based on qualitative research sessions conducted in barbershops among African American men across Los Angeles. Collected from a series of barbershop sessions among more than thirty respondents—ranging from ages 18 to 50 years—Fade2blAAck represents an unbridled portrayal of African American men’s thoughts and perspectives on media and marketing with an honesty rarely captured in controlled focus group environments.

“As researchers we’re always listening, but sometimes the traditional focus group setting does not create the necessary comfort zone to explore sensitive or provocative topics—especially among African American men, who are often the most skeptical toward traditional research methods,” states David Morse, President and CEO of New American Dimensions. “Our company has been pursuing methodologies that are intimate, that authentically capture opinions in a familiar, risk-free environment. For African American men, that place is the neighborhood barbershop.”

This film highlights several critical lessons for marketers. Among the key themes and thoughts expressed by barbershop respondents in the film:

Acknowledge us. Represent us. Respect us.

“Black people are so hungry to be respected and to be considered in the decisions of what’s said and marketed to us … we’ve become passionate about the stuff that relates to us.”

“I’m always looking for our representation in commercials. I never see it, and that offends me.”

Show us as we are. Portray the rich spectrum of African Americans and our experiences. Avoid the worn clichés and stereotypes.

“Respect African Americans by showing all representations of us. We have diversity. Don’t just show a slice of who we are. Show all of who we are.”

“At first, we were satisfied just to see our faces on TV, even if they were in Black face or whatever. Then we got excited about Uncle Toms. Then the Jeffersons. Black people were so excited to finally see Cosby, to see a (Black) husband and wife who were a doctor and a lawyer. Because that’s what we have in our community.”

Be authentic. Get to know us. Show you understand us.

“We know junk when we see it. We know when you just put something out there and say, ‘Well, we did do a commercial using you guys.’ ”

“I know you’re conning me if you tell me that you don’t see color. And I am if I tell you that. Let’s get to know each other. Let’s see how this Black and White relationship can work in its rawest, most honest position.”

“New American Dimensions’ approach is great, fresh and exciting. It helps clients get a glimpse of the Black experience and exposes the emotions surrounding the mindset of ‘being Black in America’ and why targeted efforts are still important,” states Pepper Miller, co-author of the book “What’s Black About It?” and President of the Hunter-Miller Group, based in Chicago. “More importantly, it showcases the opinions of Black men—the most influential, but overlooked and underserved segment when it comes to marketing.”

For marketers, the methodology behind Fade2blAAck represents an approach that can deliver straightforward opinions and penetrating insights that can be used by marketers to create unusually incisive campaigns that can connect to the heart and passions of African American audiences, a point underscored by Pepper Miller:

“Very few marketers and researchers earnestly seek the opinions of Black men, while NAD has captured their honest points of view from a nice variety of them—right there in the shop.”

“I love that African American men were given a forum to speak what’s on their mind in such a tried and true environment — the barbershop,” said Robert E. Coleman, Jr., who is the chief editor of a national television network. “Fade2blAAck powerfully shows African American men openly and honestly discussing a myriad of issues. However, when we leave the barbershop, our wallets are in agreement that it is imperative to come correct when marketing your product to our community. Marketers need to do the right thing!”

The 15 minute film, “Fade2blAAck, African American Men: Impressions from the Barber’s Chair,” is available By CLICK on the link below: http://www.Fade2blAAck.com

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